
costume ball 化裝跳舞會。

costume designer

And do you know , countess , said he , suddenly addressing her as though she were an old friend , we are getting up a costume ball ; you ought to take part in it ; it will be great fun “伯爵小姐,可要知道, ”他說話時突然把臉轉向她,就像對待一個老朋友那樣, “我們要舉辦化裝賽會,您應該參加,一定很開心。

A friend of mine was asked to a costume ball a short time ago 不久前,我的一個朋友被邀請參加一個化裝舞會。

- to the costume balls - in the hallowed halls -擠進化裝舞會-擠進皇庭宮殿

To the costume balls - in the hallowed halls -擠進化裝舞會-擠進皇庭宮殿